Updates On Upcoming Reviews (Busy, Busy!)
Here’s a brief rundown (maybe not so brief) on what’s in the Wall Of Sound pipeline.
Steve’s Tetra Phono project is well underway. Part 3 has now been posted.
Noam is wrapping up his review of the Xavian Perla Esclusiva speakers, a most exotic Czech/Italian standmount. Edit: DONE.
Noam, attended the first Toronto Audiofest, and will post a report on Oct.23rd. Edit: DONE. The show was fruitful and will result in – more reviews!
Noam is reviewing an amazing biography on The Last Poets. Should be done with that in the next month or so.
Steve still has a review pending of the NAD 50.1 Music Player. He’s been working through every issue a digiphile could encounter, with support from NAD. This review will arrive in November.
Looking ahead a little further….
Steve has a pair of Spendor D7’s in for review.
Steve has a Finale F-7591 power amp also under review.
Steve is playing with a vintage Shindo Aurigies preamp – this review is done and will be posted Oct.28th. This is the first instalment in The C/H/E Files — Classic / Heritage / Exotic.
Noam is expecting some cool shit from Schiit Audio; not sure exactly what yet, but it’ll be small and capable of driving his Hifiman headphones.
Jon Eben is expected back, to review the Tekton Perfect SET speakers. Still TBC, but we hope this may happen by year’s end.
Noam managed to build a pair of Metronome speakers over the summer (FE127 drivers), and will at some point share his experiences with them.
I think that’s it for now!
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